True Voice Intuitive Life Coaching    

Intuitive Guidance, and Empathic Support, Spiritual Energy Work

For Reclaiming Your True Voice, True Self, and True Vitality

Email Coaching

For those wanting an Intuitive Coaching Session through writing emails.

Email Coaching is a wonderful way to receive sessions from me and was the basis for my start as an Intuitive Life Coach! However, now Telephone Coaching is my main method of holding sessions--my Email method is specialized for those clients who are wanting intuitive guidance and empathic emotional support and are choosing writing to express themselves and receive guidance.

This method is best for those wanting to utilize my gifts as an empath to tune into their needs and true spirit. It is also different than other session work because I charge by the word count which causes you to choose your words very carefully. So it would turn out to be quite expensive if you have a lot to talk about, stories to tell me, and background information to cover. If this is the case then Telephone Sessions may be a better choice for you--(However, for an alternative method of Email Coaching please see the PS at the bottom of the page.)

In order to best simulate a face-to-face session, my method of Email Coaching is to respond to each and everything you write to me in your emails with empathy, honesty, compassion, and intuitive guidance.

For this reason, I charge by the word count and also because I write a lot in my email response method. This method is highly effective in the emotional support and healing it provides as I deeply listen and validate your feelings with much compassion and unconditional positive regard. I add insights from my own personal experience as well as offering other intuitively guided assistance. And I assist you in learning to access and trust your own inner guidance.

There are no rules about how to write your emails to me–they each are as unique as the person writing. Please just write from the heart the things you most want to tell me and need help with. Please read over what you have written and make sure that it is clear (don’t worry about spelling or grammar) and edit it as you wish to keep it to your desired word count (a little over or under is okay). Your feelings are what matter most. Let your heart be your guide.

If you have childhood wounds, the emotions are uncovered and healed in layers. As you reveal more of the injustices you endured and the feelings that you had to hide away, and feel validated through the intuitive process of my coaching, I can help you learn compassion for yourself and an ability to comfort yourself through the negative feelings and doubts that come up in your life. This and the knowledge of how to release these negative emotions is meant to help you to gain more trust in your creative ideas. With this generally comes a feeling of empowerment, a new-found trust in your true voice as a person, and a trust in your own inner guidance.

I offer a 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

Here’s how Email Coaching works:

1st) After initial emails where I answer any questions you may have about my coaching in general, you then send me your email at with the subject of Email Coaching.

2nd) You then make your payment based on the word count by clicking on the Pay Now button for credit card or PayPal that is located at the bottom of the Home page.

COST: The cost is $44.00 per 100 words in your email to me. There is a 500 word limit so the maximum would be $220.00 for 500 words. I will respond with approximately 300 or more words to each of your 100 words--so for the maximum 500, for example, you get a reply of 1500 words. You can easily get a word count by copying and pasting to Microsoft Word or Works or Mac Pages. I can do this for you if you would like and I will tell you the total due. The payment will show up immediately in my PayPal account so there is no waiting period.

3rd) I will Email you back thanking you for your payment. You then wait for me to write and send you my Email Response. Depending on the length of your email request my response will be returned to you within 24 hours Tuesday through Friday; however, most of the time it is within the same day or within a few hours.

Last, I will ask for your feedback so that I may continue to learn in my intuitive abilities and skills. You are not required to respond but it is so much appreciated and helpful to me.


If you have any further questions please email me.

PS. I love coaching people by email and I am flexible in how I do this if the above method does not appeal to you.  Please email me your ideas that would suit you better and we can work something out.  (For example, I could charge by the length of time that I spend responding to your email, if you like to write very long emails.)  I understand that some people are much more comfortable with writing than talking on the phone.  Just reach out! ✍️😇💖✨

EMAIL me at:

With warm healing wishes to you,


🌟This page was updated on September 10, 2020